Training, key in the provision of equal opportunities for Enel - Codensa and Enel - Emgesa

Achieving labor equity is one of the main objectives of Enel - Codensa and Enel - Emgesa’s sustainability strategy. Since 2011, both companies have been implementing initiatives aimed at eliminating gender inequalities and promoting equal work spaces that contribute to the inclusion and permanence of people in their jobs without experiencing adverse difference.

Within these strategies, the companies carry out actions in eight dimensions, aimed at improving the quality of life of their employees, as well as providing access to equal opportunities in the workplace. One of the key points in this aspect is that related to access to training, which is offered in the companies and notoriously contributes to the equality of conditions among all people.

The objective of this dimension is to ensure the designing of training programs that encourage the professional and personal development of employees, favoring access and equal opportunity. Each of the workers designs, together with their immediate supervisor, an Individual Development Plan, according to the improvement opportunities detected in the Performance Evaluation process, as well as in soft and technical skills.

So far this year in the trainings carried out female participation has been 34% (4% higher than the previous year) and male 66%. It must be noted that the companies’ workforce is made up of 28% women, despite being a highly masculinized industry.

By the end of 2014, 123,000 hours of training were carried out, and by September 2015, 66,000 hours had been achieved.

Enel - Codensa and Enel - Emgesa have a training program oriented towards their policy of Family Responsible Companies, which seeks a balance between the personal and work life of their employees and within which they have designed and implemented high school training for adults, training in technology in Supervision of Electrical Networks, and professional training in Industrial Engineering. In addition, courses have been developed for people close to retirement and workshops on Life and Financial Planning.