Self-generating Users and Distributed Generators - CREG Resolution 174 of 2021

Published on Friday, 14 July 2023

Who does it apply to?

How to connect?

Associated regulations

Enel Colombia Support:

Large-scale self-generator (AGGE): If you are a user with self-generation capacity greater than 1MW and less than or equal to 5MW.

Small-scale self-generator (AGPE): Users who have a self-generation system of less than or equal to 1 MW.

Distributed generator (GD): Legal entities with a capacity equal to or less than 1 MW that deliver energy to the grid according to their economic activity.

To quickly and easily request the sale and production of energy in accordance with CREG Resolution 174 of 2021, follow these steps.

Next, follow this step by step to create your "individual or company" account in My Enel virtual branch - private zone.