Bill sorting by charges

Through the Enel Customers App or in the private area of the website, you can sort the charges on your bill associated with the products and services you have with us.

You can sort the charges on your energy bill

With the “Open Bill” feature, you can separate the charges on your bill, i.e., the charges associated with energy and sanitation from the charges generated by products and/or services assigned for collection or Crédito Fácil CODENSA if you are the holder of those products.​

With this option, you’ll get vouchers to pay the items separately.

Follow these steps using the Enel Customer App Colombia. Download it, sign up from IOS or Android, and follow the steps:

Sign up or log in to the Enel Customers App Colombia.
Go to the summary module and select the “Open Bill” option. The bill must not be paid yet.
If your account meets the conditions, you can select the associated items to create the vouchers.
Select “Create.” You can download or share the PDF or even go to the payment module to pay through PSE.

Remember that you can also do this in the private area of the website here.

Check your express bill

Here we explain how you can quickly and easily check your express bill.

Payment Deadlines

If the payment date for your bill is approaching and you think you need more time, you can request it through our website or through the app. Find out how.