Environmental Plan
And as part of our commitment to the environment and the community, we developed three programs within the Environmental Management Plan to prevent, mitigate, control and compensate for the impacts generated by the construction and operation of the new substation project. A COP 1.25 billion investment has been estimated for this plan.
1. Abiotic environment programs: soil, water and air
These programs seek to minimize the effects that the project could have on soil, water, air and the landscape, preventing and controlling the loss of soil, as well as the adequate disposal of construction waste to avoid contamination of soil or bodies of water nearby.
Impact management on the soil resource:
The specific measures to be implemented for this project are:
Classification and adequate disposal of construction waste in the authorized places, complying with current environmental regulations.
Build the drainage works in the substation according to design.
Cover the sewer grilles near the areas under construction.
Delivery for the reuse of 100% of recyclable waste.
Delivery of 100% of hazardous waste (solvent, paint, oil residues) to a manager authorized by the environmental authority.
Impact management on the water resource:
In order to avoid, mitigate or correct the possible effects on soil and surface water, this program has the purpose of implementing measures for the proper management of liquid waste generated in the different phases of construction and operation of the project. The specific measures to be implemented are:
Construction of the structures proposed in the designs for handling oily waste from the transformers.
Temporary storage and adequate disposal of all oily waste generated during the construction and operation stages.
Impact management on the air resource:
With the objective of minimizing the impact on the population, this program focuses on enforcing the limits established in the current environmental regulations, supervising activities for the management and control of particulate matter, gas and noise emissions that the construction and operation of the Substation could come to produce. The specific measures to be executed are:
Compliance with the levels of inmission of particulate material, with adequate coverage of the waste while it is collected, total covering of dump trucks, speed control of the vehicles that transport material, closing of the work front, guarantee mechanical technical revision of the vehicles, as well as compliance with preventive maintenance programs.
Sweeping of the roads surrounding the project.
Simulation of the noise level during the design stage.
Monitoring of noise once the project is in operation, to ensure compliance with levels according to environmental regulations.
Compliance with RETIE (Technical Regulation of Electrical Installations) in terms of: safety distances, easement widths and maximum emission levels of electromagnetic fields.
2. Biotic environment programs: fauna, flora and compensation
Impact management on plant cover and fauna
Implement the management and control measures necessary to adequately carry out forestry land-use activities. Carry out actions that allow the management of faunal communities that may be affected by the activities during the development of the project.
The measures to be implemented are:
The felling of 3 trees will be carried out. Said forestry land-use will be carried out in accordance with current regulations to minimize impact on the vegetation cover.
Project staff and the surrounding community will be trained on the importance of wildlife.
Flight diversion devices will be installed in the transmission line to avoid electrocution of birds by collision.
Compensation program
This program establishes the measures to be executed by Enel Colombia as compensation for the environmental impact generated by the project.
The measures are:
Planting 1,100 trees of native species and maintenance for a minimum period of 3 years.
Purchase and delivery to the CAR of a dredging machine for use in the work of wetland adaptation and maintenance in the area.
3. Socioeconomic environment programs: referring to people and communities
Education and participation program for the personnel linked to the project
This program seeks to train personnel linked to the project such as employees or contractors, through a comprehensive induction that disseminates and promotes compliance with the PMA. Periodic reinforcement talks will be given to the personnel linked to the project.
Community information and participation program
This program has the purpose of building relationships of trust and mutual understanding with the stakeholders of the area of influence, through assertive and pedagogical communication strategies, which guarantee a climate of trust based on the provision of clear, truthful and timely information related to the impacts and the measures to manage them, as well as the timely response to requests, complaints, claims and concerns of the community, establishing direct and permanent communication channels between the social management team at Enel -Codensa and the communities/authorities of the Area of Influence. The measures to be implemented in this program are:
In the start-up phase, a total of 32 information meetings were held during the initiation, follow-up and finalization of the projet with the community and municipal authorities.
There will be a service point in the area (Mobile Service Center) on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm to address concerns regarding the project and receive associated PQRs.
Enel Colombia will respond to PQRs in a time not exceeding 15 business days.
Training, education and awareness program for the community surrounding the project
Seeks to train and familiarize the communities of the Area of Direct Influence of the project, on issues of safe and rational use of energy, electrical risk, rights and duties of users of public services. Promote the creation of a culture of responsible electricity use and consumption that contributes to the care of the environment from everyday life.
Third parties or infrastructure affectation
Seeks to correct the possible effects that may be generated on the road infrastructure during the construction phase, as a result of activities specific to the project in the Area of Direct Influence. For this purpose, a road inventory will be developed with the community and municipal authorities prior to the start of the works to guarantee that the roads to be used during the project are delivered in the same state in which they were received.
Recruitment program for unqualified personnel
This program will benefit the population of the direct influence area of the project, generating temporary employment during the construction of the electric substation and transmission lines through the hiring of unskilled labor, in accordance with the actual needs of the personnel required.
The current staff that is on site corresponds to 2 master builders, 15 workers and 26 assistants, of which 1 master builder, 14 workers and 26 assistants are hired personnel in the area of influence of the project in the municipality of Soacha. That is to say, 95% of the hired personnel is from the area.